English version – French Nuclear scientist turned anti-nuclear voice explains the industry’s history in France

Veteran nuclear scientist explains the history of nuclear plants in France: “Nuclear energy is dangerous, and so are those who deal with it.” https://reporterre.net/Le-nucleaire-est-dangereux-et-ceux-qui-s-en-occupent-tout-autant English version: “Nuclear energy is dangerous, and so are those who deal with it” State ”  undermined from within  “, ”  betrayal  ” of the PS … Bernard Laponche spent almost his entire life fighting against the atom. Pillar of the antinuclear, he

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Summary of open letter from Arnold Gundersen to Bill Gates Bill Gates is proposing to build a sodium-cooled Small Modular Reactor (SMR) in Wyoming. Nuclear expert Arnold Gundersen has written an open letter detailing why it’s a very bad idea. Below are some highlights. Anything in quotation marks is a direct quote from Gundersen’s letter. The full text of Gundersen’s

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Climate scientist Michael Mann’s book THE NEW CLIMATE WAR chronicles the destruction of our planet, driven by the insatiable greed of shortsighted billionaires and powered by dirty politics and corrupt back room deals. Mann’s climate war theme is only too real for energy consultant Bob Wyman in New York State, and HRAI executive Martin Luymes in the Province of Ontario,

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Stanford Group Says Our Investment in 100% Renewables Will Pay Back Fast

UPDATE 2023 Professor Jacobson’s Stanford group has now calculated the total cost of the global shift to 100% renewables, the returns on the investment we are making, and the payback. It’s incredibly fast! — because renewables are efficient and relatively inexpensive, and because climate change damages are piling up, with losses inceasingly uninsurable . The details are found in a

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The Mueller community in Austin, Texas Some freak weather of the kind becoming common due to climate change occurred recently in the USA. Snow, ice and cold, all the way down to Texas, where the electricity system failed, and most of the publicity was centered. Clean energy was immediately blamed by gas and nuclear lobbyists and the compromised politicians that

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NY is electrifying Fleet vehicles, new buildings & existing Buildings

UPDATE 2023 Many of the electric fleets mentioned below are now larger, and New York continues to increase its ambitions with electrifying buildings too. ____________ FROM 2021 A version of this story appeared originally in the journal Open Access Government in the UK. “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere.” sang Frank Sinatra and Liza Minnelli in

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Proven solutions

Proven climate solutions: How do we decide what solutions to feature on this site? o To ensure you can rely on the information here when planning climate priorities for your family, organization or government, we have undertaken extensive research which includes scientific or high level journalism practices. This has taken the form of not only continuous review of available expert

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7 communication errors environmentalists make

Many people, including environmentalists, forget about our environmental priorities, and make 7 critical communication errors. I’ve been on Twitter, posting around 99% of the time about environmental topics, for many years. I engage with a cross section of people talking about sustainability. The environmental movement often expresses a reverence for fact-based policy, and yet we ourselves, in our social media

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We must sue them

Money is the language they understand. It rules their priorities. Eco-criminals have proven time and again that they have no respect for the other people, animals, natural assets or real property belonging to anyone other than themselves. Completely unconscious on these topics. They’re closest advisors will not even put it on the agenda until it costs money or potentially costs

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Canada: Achieving a Sustainable Future

Canada’s  Federal government has released a report entitled Achieving a Sustainable Future, a wide-ranging plan for building the nation’s economy while decarbonizing the country. It provides a high level of detail on numerous initiatives and programs. It includes inputs from Provinces, groups and individual Canadians, and also integrates other related national plans and international collaborations. Its structure includes measurable goals,

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Carbon tax fairness in Canada

1. Polluters should pay. It’s not fair that some individuals and organizations pollute our world more than others. They may intend to change their ways but the government uses a carbon price to discourage procrastination.   2. On the other hand it may not be fair for the government to apply a big carbon price ‘overnight.’ Instead it is phased in gradually over time, allowing

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Five ways businesses benefit from clean energy

It’s time to advance your business or career by recognizing what is misinformation and what is reality. 1. Operating cost: Save on lighting, cooling, heating, equipment operation, motors, and fleet operation. Lighting upgrades pay for themselves in one year. HVAC and process upgrades pay out in three years. Each electric fleet vehicle going 200,000 miles saves about $100,000. Just modernize existing

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Sharpening our storytelling skills

You can always learn new things and get better. I’ve been a professional writer for a long time and thought I was pretty good at storytelling, but I recently began reading a book released a couple of years ago called The Storyteller’s Secret by Carmine Gallo. Gallo has some impressive credentials, as a storytelling coach to some people who you

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Ontario has a new Minister

I sometimes meet people who are not interested in politics and have few opinions in that area, but more often I meet people who have political opinions. I certainly fall into the latter category, but I truly believe that climate change solutions and priorities should not be a partisan discussion. Because of the way the issue has evolved in the

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I love my bike

BIKES I love my bike. I love the chill morning air as I slip through damp city streets at daybreak. I love flitting through the leafshadows on the lakefront bike path, miles from home on a breezy-haired warm summer evening with an utterly unplanned plan. I love the quiet among the grasses; the honking and colour in the city. I

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BP & Shell have bought electric car charging companies

I’m tempted to laugh. I’m tempted to wonder cynically if they’re just appeasing progressive shareholders, or will they try to buy all the electric car charging companies and close them. But none of that is possible anymore. In fact it’s their own analysts who are predicting the massive transportation disruption. A Bloomberg article reports that BP Plc says electric vehicle

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Climate Reality Project

I’m always amazed by the amount of talent in the room when I meet with my friends in the Climate Reality group, in this case, in Toronto (organized by Matthew Chapman). We had some fun, talked about projects, played billiards and ate some awesome food at The Rivoli, a long-time favourite place on Queen West. We all deliver the famous

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